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About us


Aisha Hussain

Sahayi Dialysis Centre

Disease is a test. It can wear us down mentally and physically. Will be tested financially. The pain inflicted by terminal illnesses is indescribable. May the Almighty protect us Studies show that the number of kidney patients is increasing in Kerala. The reasons can be many. But there are two solutions ahead. Either undergo a kidney transplant. It is not that easy. There will be a huge financial burden. Ordinary people cannot afford it. The second option is dialysis until death. poonoor Ayesha Hussain Dialysis Centre is an institution that provides free and free dialysis to kidney patients according to their financial status. More than 350 kidney patients undergo dialysis every month in this institution, which is run under the SYS Kozhikode District Committee. Hoping for your support and prayers for this great initiative for poor people.

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Free Dialysis
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K.Abdullah Saadi Cheruvadi


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Free Donations

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Free Medicine

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Passed Diploma

Donate and Save Lives with Sahayi Dialysis Centre

Your donation can make a difference in the lives of people with kidney diseases and their families. Your donation can help us provide quality dialysis services, education, support and advocacy to our patients. Your donation can also help us fund research and innovation in the field of kidney health. No matter how big or small, your donation is greatly appreciated and will be used wisely and effectively. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.


Sahayi Dialysis Center’s mission is to provide free and high-quality dialysis treatment to kidney patients from all walks of life, with a focus on the underprivileged and marginalized sections of society. They are committed to using the latest medical technology and skilled professionals to deliver safe and effective treatment, while also creating a caring and compassionate environment that supports the physical, emotional, and social well-being of patients. Additionally, they aim to raise awareness about kidney disease prevention and management, and to advocate for better access to healthcare for all.



Sahayi Dialysis Center envisions a world where every kidney patient, regardless of their financial status, has access to quality and compassionate care. They strive to create a community where dialysis treatment is not a burden, but rather a right to every individual, and where patients receive the support they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Their aim is to continue to expand their services and reach as many patients as possible, providing hope and healing to those in need.Sahayi Dialysis Center is dedicated to breaking down barriers to access and ensuring equitable healthcare for all kidney patients.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have any Question?

Our center is conveniently located at Madathumpoyil Road, Poonoor, Unnikulam P.O,Calicut, Kerala 673574, Ponoor, making it easily accessible for patients in the area.

While a referral from a healthcare provider is preferred, it is not always necessary. Patients can contact us directly for inquiries and appointments.

Our team consists of highly skilled nephrologists, nurses, and technicians with extensive experience in renal care, ensuring the highest quality of treatment and support.

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A free dialysis Centre in poonoor Under sahayi charity, a charity organisation that is under the SYS Kozhikode District Committee